Getting My Groove Back!

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I am thoroughly enjoying that the girls are back in school. My routines are falling back into place quite nicely. As a WAHM I found this past summer to be very challenging. Have you ever had one of those days when you had every intention of completing at least one thing on your to do list, and the next thing you know it’s three o’clock in the afternoon, you’re still in your pajamas sitting at the computer, and not a single thing you needed to accomplish is done. How does this happen when you’ve been working for hours? As a WAHM I have welcomed the return of the school year with much more zeal than I ever did when I worked outside the home.

I actually questioned whether the excitement I was feeling was normal, and I must confess I felt a bit guilty when I was more excited about buying school supplies than my daughters were!

Not only do I find it much easier to focus on my work, and I’m accomplishing tasks in about half the time I did during the summer, but better yet, I have much more time to focus on the kind of mom I want to be when my girls get home from school each day. I am able to meet their needs with more patience and love because mine have systematically been met.

In my work with children and families I frequently talk about the importance of structures, systems and routines when it comes to raising confident, well-adjusted children, and now I’m realizing that it is just as important for mom!

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  1. Amy

    You\'re writing about me! I, too, am eager about rediscovering my groove once the kids are back at school. (My littlest isn\'t fully back until next week...) I find over the summer months that even when I commit to myself AND to them that I will be present and will not disappear into my computer or my iPhone, I still find the temptation too strong. I want the hours and structure in place so that I can work when I declare it time to work, and play with them when I declare it time to be done. I\'m ready for the well-adjusted Mama to make her reappearance!

    My coaching clients echo this same longing, so I know we\'re all part of the same epidemic. Thanks for putting it out there so beautifully, Marni.

    Take care,
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